MarketLink® provides business support services to Companies to help their Sales and Marketing Teams to reach their target markets. We have helped numerous local and foreign businesses and brands since 2007. |
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MailCaster® PROXIMA® and Marketlink® are Registered Trademarks of Digital Visions Philippines granted by the Philippine Intellectual Property Office (IPO) |
Mobile Marketing: BRANDED SMS Web-based Text Blast
BRANDED SMS is the Text Blast system of the Marketlink® suite of Marketing Tools. BRANDED SMS enables you to send high volume SMS securely with your Brand or Company Name as your Sender ID, from anywhere with Internet access. Partial List of Clients |
PROXIMA® is the Proximity Text Blast service of the Marketlink® suite of Marketing Tools. Unlike our web-based BRANDED SMS text blast service that requires a database of numbers, PROXIMA® will live detect mobile users within range and send SMS with your Company Name or Brand Name as Sender ID. Our Engineers go on site to conduct the job for you. Most PROXIMA SMS Clients request Confidentiality Read More |
Email Marketing: MAILCASTER® Email Blast Service Sorry, no new jobs being accepted as of Q2 2021
Mailcaster® is our Email Blasting Service for Sales & Marketing. This is a Full Service email broadcast meaning all you need to do is turnover your content and Subject and we will do the rest at a very simple rate of P 1.00/send using our database, or P 0.75 using your database.
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